(Individual results will vary)

To my fellow brotherhood of veterans and those who are seeking relief from what we know as PTSD, and all it’s dark side effects. Before seeking help, I was suffering chronic nightly paralyzing nightmares and carried an over bearing weight of guilt that also hurt my relationship and those around me. I experienced violent nightmares every night for 4 years. It wasn’t until I was treated by 2 sessions of EMDR that I was able to diminish the amount of nightmares down from every night to once a month. It has literally given me a second chance to live my life again. One of the greatest variables of this treatment is that it did not require me to speak or share the horrific experiences, scenarios and smells that most of us have encountered within a combat environment. We have given so much to our country as veterans and I encourage you to take your life back so you may enjoy what we fought so hard for.
- A Former American Soldier Army 82nd Airborne 4th Brigade 2/508 P.I.R. Bravo Company

For years I have felt as if my heart had a constant un-healing emotional wound. I had tried many forms of treatment to heal the empty feeling, but I never felt that I had truly resolved my past. I was amazed when I finished my EMDR session. I felt this incredible warmth within, a sense of complete peace. I feel like I have addressed every trouble I had ever experienced in a very direct way. I have not felt this whole in a very long time.
- Lindsay C.

After back to back surgeries and hospitalizations, I was plagued with the fear of being re-hospitalized for any reason. I knew that being a patient in the hospital again was simply a matter of time. After one session I was no longer fearful. I had recurring nightmares for one year prior to treatment and afterwards I have had none. I have been hospitalized at least half a dozen time since and undergone two more surgeries without reliving the trauma.
- Betsy H.

Having issues from my childhood that still manifest in my adult life, I have extreme anxiety. It led me to not live my life to the fullest in some areas. I sometimes chose not to fly on an airplane and would miss vacation opportunities. I had a session a little over a year ago and I have noticed my anxiety immediately decreased to a very manageable level. I have since flown out of state twice with no need of any anti-anxiety medications.
- Justin M.

I thought we were going to talk about my trauma and the standard “how does that make you feel?” This therapy was nothing like that. I had avoided topics in my life because saying them out loud made it feel more painful. I took great relief in knowing I did not have to share what I was revisiting out loud. I only needed to picture the event and allow myself to revisit those memories. The memories were painfully vivid and I struggled to stay in the moment I had tried for so long to compartmentalize. Feeling safe in the knowledge that if I could not take what my head was remembering, I could open my eyes and the images would stop. I was not prepared for the emotional release I experienced, but it felt like a burden lifted. This has helped me let go of a lot of old sadness, anger and confusion that I had not allowed myself to feel or process.
- Lisa S.

I witnessed a horrible incident. My boyfriend and father to my child committed suicide in front of me. In that one instant, my world completely shattered into a million pieces. I felt the weight of his death on my shoulders. I had one trauma therapy session and woke up the next day feeling calm and serene.Since then the peaceful effects have continued to increase. I cannot explain why the therapy works; it just does. My friends and family are continually amazed at how well I am coping with the event’s aftermath. Now my brain no longer feels the need to continually replay the tragedy. I am able to go on and continue with my life.
- Denise W.

After back to back surgeries and hospitalizations, I was plagued with the fear of being re-hospitalized for any reason. I knew that being a patient in the hospital again was simply a matter of time. After one session I was no longer fearful. I had recurring nightmares for one year prior to treatment and afterwards I have had none. I have been hospitalized at least half a dozen time since and undergone two more surgeries without reliving the trauma.
- Betsy H.

David, HI!!
Thank you so much for reaching out! It's wonderful to hear from you!
I've now done over 20 EMDR sessions and not quite sure how I found SE-REM... I did one session a few weeks ago, the full 60min, and WHOA!!! I was wobbly at best afterward. VERY emotional and took me a full day to regulate (I'm NOT upset about it at all because I really felt deeply buried emotion rise to the surface so I'm grateful for it!)
I decided to wait until I finished the EMDR sessions (next week) and then use the SE-REM program as needed. I'm VERY excited about it and SO HAPPY I found you and it! I'm confident it will help me and appreciate your email. THANK YOU!!!
I AM A FAN and I'd love, it if you'd be interested in doing an interview, on a Podcast that I am in the process of creating (recording conversations now.) I've done hundreds of interviews over the years and would love to support you and this GREAT work!
I hope to have an opportunity to discuss this very important work.
After a few more sessions I will most certainly do a testimonial for you and post it on your Facebook page (and you can use it on your website as well if you'd like!)
I hope to chat again soon.
- Tamaey Gottuso

I’ve done this self administered emdr and have had only good results thus far. The first time I did it I cried, feelings I didn’t know I had came to the surface and I had actually done a lot of processing with the first session in several areas. The next day I felt a bit jittery and a little down as I was still processing but the day after I felt this weight lift off of me. I tried revisiting one of the traumas in a second session and I didn’t have any strong emotional reactions to it. I look forward to using this program for the rest of my little and big T’s. I wanted to throw it out there that this has already been life changing for me and I am hopeful that it will help me process all of my traumas. I have done emdr with a therapist in clinic before and I prefer to do this at home. I feel at home I’m allowed to ugly cry, I don’t have to hide and I can allow all my feelings to surface in a safe environment. I do encourage people to have coping skills when starting to process in case you get too overwhelmed but the music itself is calming and there’s a relaxation exercise as well. I have tried years of
therapy, have had therapists say they don’t know what to do with me, medications, endless doctors appointments and so many self help techniques and books and while they all held a place of helping me, this is the one thing that’s made a lasting difference so far. I can’t describe the hopelessness and desperation for relief I felt before being introduced to this. I hope you guys are able to give it a try, my world was getting smaller and smaller with agoraphobia (can’t leave my house alone) too and social anxiety, some of my family are saying how well I’m doing and just months ago they were telling me how I needed to dump my therapist and find better help lol… I know everyone has that one thing that will help, this is it for me and maybe could be for you too."
- Alyssa B.

5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic, Helpful, and Effective Resource for Very Reasonable Price
Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2023
My review is for the MP3 download, which I assume is the same as the drive - just in a different format. I've had some success with EMDR, however sometimes the eye movements make me somewhat dizzy. I stumbled across SE REM on the internet, and was intrigued. I love music, so I loved the idea of receiving therapy via my ears. And I must say - I have the same relief doing SE REM that I have with EMDR without the dizziness. What a treat to be able to listen to beautiful music and get some relief. My main issue is anxiety and insomnia and this resource is definitely helping. I am so grateful that this resource is available at such a reasonable price. Thank you to the team behind this for making it available for everyone. I wish more people were aware of this.
- Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Highly Recommended!
Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2019
Verified Purchase
This is amazing! I really like the sound of the narrator's voice, music and instructions. If I do too much, sometimes I feel a bit agitated. I grew up with a lot of neglect and trauma and tend to be sensitive. But then I give it a rest and within a day I start to feel wonderful. I suspect overtime the agitation will go away. I cannot say enough good stuff about this. I send much gratitude and appreciation to everyone involved with creating this product. It is wonderful and a great self-help tool that can help save money on therapy.
- muralist2020

5.0 out of 5 stars A wonderful tool for personal well being
Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2017
Verified Purchase
This was great. So relaxing and very helpful. I really appreciated the fact that I could do it right in my own home. It will be something I will use again and again. It is amazing and works extremely well. It cleared my mind and my body felt relaxed and refreshed. I would highly recommend Se-Rem to anyone. It would be good for trauma, for regular life events (death of a loved one, for example) and for many other things that we would like to work on in a personal realm. I am so happy that this exists and is now available for us to use. It is SO easy and so effective and basically helps you feel good. I especially like the fact that I can listen to it at home and can use it over and over again.
- Angela

5.0 out of 5 stars I would recommend
Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2017
Verified Purchase
This is a great product to use to help with meditation, decrease anxiety, assist with grief, or reprocess anything that is difficult. Excellent money saver for anyone who has done EMDR in the therapy office. Very user friendly. I would recommend!
- dsaxt

5.0 out of 5 stars Se-Rem clears away all emotional baggage
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2019
Fyi, I bought this from the website so my purchase doesn't show up on amazon, but I am a purchaser and know what I'm talking about when I say this MP3 is the cure for all emotional baggage. I believe everyone has a degree of PTSD and this MP3 will dissolve those triggers with less than 12 uses. I have an eating disorder and am diabetic. Those two things were killing me prior to using this product. I was eating very poorly and my blood sugar was averaging 235. Over the course of two weeks, I've been able to figure out a diet plan that I actually love which I have never been able to do in the past and have lowered my blood sugar 75 points on average. I no longer feel as stressed about food, or anything else, and I am easily finding ways to solve all of my other lesser problems too. This is been so much more helpful to me than two years of talk therapy counseling (which only helped about 5%). So if you also find counseling has not helped you to dissolve your issues, I definitely recommend buying this MP3.
The man that made this product deserves an award and huge recognition for this accomplishment.
- dsaxt

5.0 out of 5 stars I would recommend
Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2017
Verified Purchase
This is a great product to use to help with meditation, decrease anxiety, assist with grief, or reprocess anything that is difficult. Excellent money saver for anyone who has done EMDR in the therapy office. Very user friendly. I would recommend!
- dsaxt

5.0 out of 5 stars VERY Effective!
Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2017
Se-REM was recommended to me after I was hit with what I'd call spontaneous grief. I had lost my wonderful Mom two years previous and had dealt with it as well as can be expected, but wham! It came back to me like it was a fresh loss, feeling completely lost and hopeless. I'd thought that Se-REM had to be done in the presence of a trained specialist, but this turned out not to be the case - this CD was produced by a trauma specialist so that you can run through it on your own. I was really surprised at the results! Se-REM allowed me to process the trauma that occurred on the actual day of the loss, thus separating it from the overall loss. Going forward now, the loss and memory of my Mom is no longer attached to the trauma, so I can freely love and remember my Mom. What an unspeakable relief! After using Se-REM (and it was a rough hour, no joke) the results blew me away. Not immediately. Daily, maybe even hourly, I improved. I thought I was doing okay with it, reflecting on insights I had during Se-REM, until a week later someone pointed out my improvement, which was astounding when I looked back to just a week previous. I think the uses for this are many and I plan on using it again soon. That's the best recommendation I can give right there!
- Marla Hadley

5.0 out of 5 stars Invaluable Tool to Overcome Any Trauma
Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2017
I have been using SE-REM for several years. I initially used SE-REM to overcome childhood trauma that I suffered. SE-REM was an invaluable tool for me to achieve a level of self awareness that I had not experienced up to that point. It provided me with a safe environment to visit, acknowledge, and overcome my difficult experiences. What is amazing about SE-REM is that you don't have to actively work to address the trauma you seek to overcome; SE-REM aids your mind in doing all of the hard work.
I have achieved amazing results from using this tool. I felt like a heavy weight had lifted from me that I did not know was there. I did not know how my traumas continued to affect my present day life until the aftermath of those traumas was gone thanks to SE-REM. My relationships with my family and friends have significantly improved, and I feel more comfortable in my own skin.
More recently, I have used SE-REM to address the trauma of a miscarriage I suffered after a long battle with infertility. Because I am familiar with SE-REM, I felt at ease using it to address this devastating event that I could not address without the assistance of SE-REM. What is wonderful about SE-REM is that it is a tool that will never be obsolete; I can use it when I run into life challenges, and it assists me every time.
- M

5.0 out of 5 stars Without a doubt, this program gave me the help I was looking for!
Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2017
This wonderful program helped me tremendously to process recent traumatic events in my life. I could feel that it was exactly what I needed and I have been able to move forward since doing the program. I am forever grateful for David Busch introducing it to me. It is something I know would be helpful again, should anything come up requiring treatment. I also used this program to revisit childhood experiences that were a part of me having a recurring dream for decades. The recurring dream has stopped since using the program! Thank you David Busch for creating this program and sharing it with people in need.
- Amazon Customer

I use this program as well and it has helped me stay calm during a terrible time in my life. I recommend it whole-heartedly. It's simple, effective, and easy to use as well.
The first time I did the session, I found myself quite depressed and discombobulated for several days. My counselor had suggested the Se-Rem to me. When I explained my first session to her she said that I had only put a band-aid on myself and was more worried during that first session about helping everyone else, even though I was the most traumatized by my son's death from suicide.
I have now gone on to do the session two more times, and finished my third session today. I feel much more at peace now. I hope to continue using this to heal. I had no idea that I had so much "stuff" still unresolved from my past! This is a wonderful healing modality. David, thank you for making it available at a low cost to potentially help many people!
With gratitude, peace and light, V….”
- Fran Ray Ziemann

I just completed my first round of this therapy! Feeling so incredibly good about it too. I have done EMDR in a clinical setting with two different therapists. My first therapist was fantastic and she helped to install protective and nurturing figures, a safe space and a container. I was able to adapt this framework for this therapy. I found it so meaningful and powerful. Not having a therapist there to bear witness to it was different but I found myself able to go longer and with more meaningful results because there was no thinking of numbers or trying to come up with phrases to change. Powerful. Thank you!
- Molly Van Roekel

I witnessed a horrible incident. My boyfriend and father to my child committed suicide in front of me. In that one instant, my world completely shattered into a million pieces. I felt the weight of his death on my shoulders. I had one trauma therapy session and woke up the next day feeling calm and serene. Since then the peaceful effects have continued to increase. I cannot explain why the therapy works; it just does. My friends and family are continually amazed at how well I am coping with the event’s aftermath. Now my brain no longer feels the need to continually replay the tragedy. I am able to go on and continue with my life.
Having issues from my childhood that still manifest in my adult life, I have extreme anxiety. It led me to not live my life to the fullest in some areas. I sometimes chose not to fly on an airplane and would miss vacation opportunities. I had a session a little over a year ago and I have noticed my anxiety immediately decreased to a very manageable level. I have since flown out of state twice with no need of any anti-anxiety medications.
- Justin M.

I’ve done this self administered emdr and have had only good results thus far. The first time I did it I cried, feelings I didn’t know I had came to the surface and I had actually done a lot of processing with the first session in several areas. The next day I felt a bit jittery and a little down as I was still processing but the day after I felt this weight lift off of me. I tried revisiting one of the traumas in a second session and I didn’t have any strong emotional reactions to it. I look forward to using this program for the rest of my little and big T’s. I wanted to throw it out there that this has already been life changing for me and I am hopeful that it will help me process all of my traumas. I have done emdr with a therapist in clinic before and I prefer to do this at home. I feel at home I’m allowed to ugly cry, I don’t have to hide and I can allow all my feelings to surface in a safe environment. I do encourage people to have coping skills when starting to process in case you get too overwhelmed but the music itself is calming and there’s a relaxation exercise as well. I have tried years of therapy, have had therapists say they don’t know what to do with me, medications, endless doctors appointments and so many self help techniques and books and while they all held a place of helping me, this is the one thing that’s made a lasting difference so far. I can’t describe the hopelessness and desperation for relief I felt before being introduced to this. I hope you guys are able to give it a try, my world was getting smaller and smaller with agoraphobia (can’t leave my house alone) too and social anxiety, some of my family are saying how well I’m doing and just months ago they were telling me how I needed to dump my therapist and find better help lol… I know everyone has that one thing that will help, this is it for me and maybe could be for you too."
- Alyssa B.

This was great. So relaxing and very helpful. I really appreciated the fact that I could do it right in my own home. It will be something I will use again and again. It is amazing and works extremely well. It cleared my mind and my body felt relaxed and refreshed. I would highly recommend Se-Rem to anyone. It would be good for trauma, for regular life events (death of a loved one, for example) and for many other things that we would like to work on in a personal realm. I am so happy that this exists and is now available for us to use. It is SO easy and so effective and basically helps you feel good. I especially like the fact that I can listen to it at home and can use it over and over again.
- Angela

I purchased this a couple of weeks ago. Definitely not a scam. I’ve listen to it several times, first time was the most intense, had a few failed sessions too where I couldn’t focus. I found the experience as a very intense. Thank you David and your supportive emails are also very appreciated. I did find the experience of listening to the audio and recalling traumas quite intense but after the sessions I felt very calm and peaceful so I do believe that it worked somehow. I will go back to using your method for sure and I would definitely recommend it to people who are/were in counselling.
I have received traditional EMDR and self-administered binaural beat/visual stimulus EMDR and appreciate them. Se-REM for me is different. I have REM sleep disorder, as well as life long insomnia (a long story), and the nights I fall asleep to Se-REM, I have a good night’s sleep. Despite the medications I’ve been prescribed for the sleep disorders, without Se-REM, I still sleep fitfully. The nights with Se-REM I have the best sleep of my life. So….THANK YOU!!!!!!! I know it’s not how you traditionally instruct, but it works for me very well, having had such trouble with REM sleep….sleeping but not getting anything particularly regenerative from it. It might be something that you tell people about if anyone approaches you about insomnia.
- Amara

I have listened to the therapy program twice, since I suffer with PTSD, due to sustained childhood trauma over many years. Luckily, I have done a lot of work, and was familiar with most of the process.
I plan to listen a few more times at least.
I was still amazed with the results after the second use, and have found it to be very beneficial. I have raved about it to two friends who planned to purchase it, and will probably share it with some of my family members.
- Sarah

Absolutely loved this program. I was very worried to have to go back to a dark place, memories for this therapy. I was afraid of how I was going to feel when I was done. But it is so surprising how relieved, relaxed and peaceful I felt. Definitely recommend.

I cannot say enough good things about Se-REM Rapid Eye technology had a dramatic affect on my life and radically changed my thought processes. Now Se-REM is a fabulous new way that you can have this break-through technology right in your own home on your own time, and as often as you need it. I have tried it myself and I absolutely love it. I would highly recommend getting the MP 3 to have this program readily available to you, if not, punching the CD or computer download is so affordable every person should have it. We ALL have troubled pasts or disturbing experiences. Free yourself from the effects that these experiences that don't serve you your greater good.
- Ellen Asay Brimley

Hello David! I've been thinking SO much these past weeks in writing back to you and sending my testimonial, so I'm super glad that you've reached out to me 🙂
I'm from Argentina, South America, so I speak Spanish but hope my feedback is clear enough (and anyway I believe my English is very good hehe).
So, David, how can I really say THANK YOU from the depths of my heart for what you've done. My life is improving in so many ways. Take a cup of coffee or your preferred beverage because I'm going to tell the full story (when we clear trauma, our inner voice starts to speak more and more unapologetically and from love):
I found Se-REM as a result of my internet research on trauma and bilateral stimulation, because I've been working with a therapist and see some really good results, and this year I've been learning so much on trauma and what actually works, and let me tell you (I know you know), your stuff WORKS.
My situation was (and I'm still working on it): anxiety, had anxiety attacks (or panic) and ptsd. My nervous system tends to dysregulate and I feel extremely sensitive and even psychic or "empath" to the extreme in those moments.
I listened to the full audio one time for the first 4 days, and yes, how important it is to have a GOOD CRY, just me and my inner child being ourselves. I highlight this because it is very good to be able to cry with no one else more than my own awareness and love witnessing.
One of the main things that I've been able to develop with your audio is a high awareness of the Conscious and Subconscious minds working together. In the second part (when you instruct us to be there as adults for our inner childs), I feel like the brain starts to integrate so quickly, that I feel my inner child and ME (the conscious mind) melting into ONE. This is one of the greatest gifts and lessons that your work enables to actually DO (that phrase we all know "LOVE YOURSELF" is actually and technically this (again I know you know): the conscious holding all the emotion of the subconscious and letting it unfold the magic behind it, the truth of who we are).
There's one thing I would like to appreciate too: the specific music you've chosen for each part of the process. As a music lover, even though I appreciate classical music but I don't use to listen to it, your selection is just outstanding, I felt like it speaks about your own loving soul, who you are, and what you know you are meant to do on Earth, this is my particular feeling.
Each time I did a session, I was able to release a lot of stress and integrate my psyche more and more. I did it recalling memories and also just focusing on how I was feeling or a certain recurring thought, in all of the cases it worked wonders. I also added a bit of the tools I have in my personal kit to keep reprocessing (EFT and other forms of bilateral stimulation called "One Eye at a Time").
I believe deeply David, that your work has to be spread around the world, not only in English but in as many languages as possible. What you've done is amazing and worth millions, I'm already talking about your page when I speak to other people on Facebook groups, I feel like I want to scream to the world "People! This is what you are craving for!!!".
This work is so needed, so required, there's so much healing to the nervous system of the collective that needs to be done, that your tool / work could help so much, because this is the foundation where all true wellbeing and creation can be done.
Thank you, thank you, thank you David!
Any other questions, I'm here to collaborate!!!
- Julia
From Buenos Aires, Argentina

This Really is a great resource David. I’ve checked it out and used it. It’s really a great gift for what we’re talking about here. Anyone who’s skeptical don’t be. There’s absolutely nothing to lose and all to gain.
- Steve J.

"5.0 out of 5 stars My trauma is being processed
Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2022
Verified Purchase
I am so grateful to have a tool a voice and a real person to guide me through memories that a 5 different therapists couldn’t even believe or help at all with. This is an excellent resource since many mental health professionals get burn out syndrome. I love his voice the ear buds or headphones are essential. Thank you for helping make the world a better place. I sleep longer not waking up at 3am it’s been 3 days of using it twice a day. I also use workbooks, yoga, and meditation. Thank you, I recommend this product.
- Brenda

I purchased this in May and have been to scared to try it. I decided to try it the other day and I was pleasantly surprised. It was beautiful and you did a fantastic job! I’ve only done it once, but I plan to do it again! Thank you for doing something like this!
- David Busch

Hi David,
I tried out your program last night and WOW. Thank you so much. This is such an incredible tool. About 3 minutes into the music and bringing up some mild images that bothered me, I had a huge emotional release over something I had no idea that was upsetting me and it lasted the entire meditation. It was fantastic! I've done EFT, EMDR, havening, hypnosis, psych-k, kundalini yoga etc - and this was wild. Thank you so much for creating this and your very helpful instructions in the second email. The vibe and sound quality is great as well.